Creating New Ideas
We often come up with ideas that we dont always follow through on. Sometimes we don't have time or space in our lives. Sometimes we think they are too big, or that someone else has already done it.
Surprise! Ideas come to us in flashes, with intuition, and sometimes they arrive to several people at once in the quiet space of our minds.
One of my ideas, Tri-namics Coaching Triangle System I did bring to life. You can see more on my Deberna website or read the article in BCHRMA HR VOICE newsletter.
When an idea flashes by you that you think is really good it is time to examine your leadership initiative. If you simply can not follow up then consider passing on the idea to someone who can. It is like a "pay it forward" or "random act of kindness" in a different way.
Humble Leadership
Humble leadership is similar to servant leadership. It swells with generosity, with a sense of using every opportunity to promote, display and encourage the leadership of others before self. When leaders demonstrate sincere generosity and deep caring in their actions they are living humble leadership. Observe, notice, recognize and practice humbleness in yourself and others- these days we could all use more of it.
© 2020 by Debbie Payne
© 2020 by Debbie Payne